Kaicyn's first Halloween! Those of you who know me, know that I am a sucker for 'firsts'. I put an unimaginable amount of sentiment to these events, so you can imagine how I was with Halloween this year.
Kaicyn was a Marine! (Hoo-Rah!) You would not imagine how HARD it is to find a Marine outfit. I started out with the delusion that I could find some Dress Blues for him, but shortly gave up that quest. (Keep in mind that I have been planning this since he was born in March-maybe even before!) So then I just went for a regular Marine Fatigue outfit- That was not any easier! They all had a Bull Dog head, or a shirt that looked like the kid was on steroids- so not what I wanted! So I ended up ordering an Army outfit and (take a deep breath my Army Brother-In-Laws) unpicked the patches, and had my Mom sew on some Marine Corp ones!
My brother, Robb, and his family invited us to their neighborhood's Trunk or Treat! Kaicyn was a hit! Everyone loved his costume! The poor guy had people he didn't even know taking pictures of him! It was really incredible to see the gratitude that a lot of people have for our troops right now! We had lots of people tell me to tell his Daddy: "Thank you for serving!" WOW! That is the attitude that we need. Even if you don't support the war itself, support our troops for their efforts!
Kaicyn really didn't know what was going on, so I wasn't going to take him around, but his Aunt Cindy convinced me that I would want the candy he would collect! Luckily, Kaicyn did Trick-Or-Treat, because by the time we got back to Mike, who was passing out the candy, he was completely OUT! So, Kaicyn's 'loot' went to all the other little Transformers, Power Rangers, Kitty Cats, Skunks, and other great costumes running around!
After we collected our 'loot', we took Kaicyn over to his Grandparents (Baron) to hang out there! Karalee and Seth were carving their pumpkins. Seth was so proud of his pumpkin! Karalee's was great too! I think she was just having a blast giggling at Seth!
The line of the night goes to Mike. I had mentioned that Kaicyn had yet to go through Basic yet, otherwise all that baby fat would be history. Mike decided to take it a step further and say: "If those cheeks get any bigger we are going to have to take off the Marine Corp patches and sew on Navy ones!" I told him that his Dad would be hearing about that one for sure!
Hope everyone had a great and safe Halloween!